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Oregon CD-05: Voter Turnout
Send as soon as Tue, Oct 1 but no later than Tue, Oct 29
Encourage Democratic-leaning voters in Oregon's 5th U.S. House district to turn out in the 2024 general election
OR-05 is a critical area for maintaining and expanding Democratic power at the state and national levels. By encouraging Democratic-leaning voters to turn out here, we can help ensure that their voices are heard.
Voter targeting
Fellow citizens who are unlikely to vote but likely to vote for Democrats when they do cast a ballot.
Increase voter turnout in OR-05
Read about the race (Ballotpedia)
Read official OR-05 election info
Letter-writing progress
Volunteers have adopted 44,885 voters in this campaign, 72% of the 62,022 targeted voters
As a 501(c)(4) organization, Vote Forward focuses primarily on our core social mission of helping to increase the participation of traditionally underrepresented communities in the electorate. We also engage in some political activity, of which this campaign is a